MBA Results

Of greatest importance were developing a broader perspective of business and new ways of thinking about the world, becoming a more effective leader, understanding the business world and strategic planning skills. These skills which we perceive as integrative, i.e., based on a variety of disciplines, were more important than purely functional skills such as managing people, accounting, finance and marketing. There were significant differences related to gender and position held.

 Men were more likely to express a need to acquire skills in accounting (t=1.92, p<.1), finance (t=2.85, p<.01), and marketing (t=2.18, p<.05), while women placed greater importance on developing a broader understanding of business (t=1.88, p<.1). In terms of position, middle and senior level managers were more likely than self-employed to pursue an MBA because they either had recently assumed general managerial responsibilities (F=3.12, p<.05) or needed more skills in managing people (F=5.3, p<.001). Respondents were also asked to indicate the instrumentality, or usefulness, of the MBA in terms of achieving a number of outcomes.