System Planning & Deployment

Smart card system design requires advance planning to be successful and to avoid problems. It is highly recommended that you graphically diagram the flow of information for your new system. The first question to consider is ‘will the card and system transact information, or value, or both?’ If it stores keys or value (i.e. gift certificates or sports tickets), greater design detail is required than in data-only systems. When you combine information types on a single card, other issues arise. The key to success is not to overrun the system with features that can confuse users and cause problems in management. It is recommended that you phase-in each feature set as each one is working. To properly implement a functional smart card system, you should be able to answer the following questions. NOTE: These are only general guidelines, provided as a basis for your individual planning. Many other steps may be involved and are not mentioned here. For more extensive planning information regarding identity management and national IDs, we recommend that you review the GSA Smart Card Handbook. For bankissued cards, we recommend that you visit the Global Platform website.

Basic Set-Up
1) Is there a clear business case? Including financial and consumer behavior factors?
2) Will the system be single or multi-application?
3) What type of information do I want to store in the cards (ie; data or value)?
4) How much memory is required for each application?
5) If multi-application, how will I separate different types of data?
6) Will card data be obtained from a database? Or loaded every time?
7) Will this data concurrently reside on a database?
8) How many cards will be needed?
9) Are card/infrastructure vendors identified? What are the lead times?
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