Smart Card Security

Smart cards provide computing and business systems the enormous benefit of portable and secure storage of data and value. At the same time, the integration of smart cards into your system introduces its own security management issues, as people access card data far and wide in a variety of applications. The following is a basic discussion of system security and smart cards, designed to familiarize you with the terminology and concepts you need in order to start your security planning. What Is Security?

Security is basically the protection of something valuable to ensure that it is not stolen, lost, or altered. The term “data security” governs an extremely wide range of applications and touches everyone’s daily life. Concerns over data security are at an all-time high, due to the rapid advancement of technology into virtually every transaction, from parking meters to national defense. Data is created, updated, exchanged and stored via networks.

A network is any computing system where users are highly interactive and interdependent and by definition, not all in the same physical place. In any network, diversity abounds, certainly in terms of types of data, but also types of users. For that reason, a system of security is essential to maintain computing and network functions, keep sensitive data secret, or simply maintain worker safety. Any one company might provide an example of these multiple security concerns: